Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Busy Week Last Week

Hey everybody,

Last Monday the 14 of February, I was told that two 12th grade students were coming over Thursday and Friday from a British boarding school in Africa and they would be willing to help me film the into video that I have been working on. So for the rest of the day on Monday and all day Tuesday I rushed around and got everything that I was going to need for the film. On Wednesday I set everything up by 9 which took about 3 hours. At 9 I started to film the auditions for Bob, the main character in the video. I was finished by 10 and then by 12 I had everything cleaned up and put back in the studio. Then at 12 I started writing down what shots and angles I wanted to film. By 8 that night when Joe and Peter arrived, I had figured the shots for 6 of the 8 scenes. Then in the morning I finished the last 2 scenes and set up the set before 8 when we started filming. Joe, Nadine and Myself filmed and Peter and Joy controlled the mic. and later in the night Sig helped with the lighting. we filmed till 1 ate lunch and then at 2 continued to film until 6 when we ate dinner. After dinner we filmed a night scene. At the end of the day we had filmed 4 of the 8 scenes. In the morning we started at 8 and then filmed till 12 when Joe and Peter had to go home and Nadine and Joy took over their places after lunch. We filmed till about 6 when we were done all 8 scenes! it was a really pack but really fun week!

Thank you for your support and prayers,


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